Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kitchen: Canisters and Labels

I got very sick of there being food in opened packets in the pantry, spilling everywhere as we dig through them when looking for something else.  I would love a super organised pantry like some of those freakishly beautiful looking ones I drool over.  But I'm not swimming in money right now following Christmas.

So I went down to Woolworths and bought a bunch of their basics range of containers.

I wanted pretty labels, so I went to The Container Store Website where they have free printable labels.  I figured that I would never ever be happy with my handwriting if I filled in the labels myself, and couldn't figure out how to get them written on as the file comes in .pdf form.

This is how I did it, I'm sure there's an easier way, but this is how it happened for me (I have a Mac, so instructions are for my machine).

  • Open up the pdf file, save the file as a JEPG.  
  • Open up Pages (which is like Microsoft Word).
  • Place the .jpg file on a new Landscape document to the size I want the labels.
  • Place a text box in each label, making sure they are aligned and centred (Pages helps with this).
  • Find the right font and font size.
  • Type out each item you are wanting to name.
  • Set font opacity to 60% (or change colours).
Here is the result. 

About the Domestically Challenged......

I am a neat freak.  No, not in reality, in my dreams!

I in actuality am a disorganised wannabe.

Clothes pile up - I feel like I am always am washing clothing, but there's always a pile of clothes somewhere in some form - dirty, wet, dry, folded, messed back up, folded, in a bedroom ready to put away.

I'm sick of it.

This blog is for me.  To motivate me.  To keep me going ahead to organise and beautify my world.